Free download fallout shelter price
Free download fallout shelter price

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You're in charge: Bring wandering dwellers into your vault, and assign them to rooms based on their special stats.

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The Rush windows show you the likelihood of successfully gathering supplies instantly. But if things go wrong, which often is the case in this circumstance, you'll lose the supplies, reset the clock, and possibly cause damage to the room. If supplies grow short, you can tap the Rush button in a room to gather supplies. You can increase a room's production by merging and upgrading rooms, and speed product by adding dwellers into a room. Planning pays: You're rewarded for constructing a sensible vault: Build and organize rooms - water treatment, power generator, restaurants, and so on - in a way that makes the best use of space and maximizes a room's ability to produce enough supplies to sustain your dwellers. Set in a 1950s post-nuclear world, Fallout Shelter has you working to survive by building the best possible vault with your fellow survivors.

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And what better way to get in some apocalyptic practice than with Fallout Shelter for Android, Bethesda's popular simulation game. Now seems like a good moment to prepare for the end of times.

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